Community Supported Agriculture Meets Coffee
“Community Supported Agriculture consists of a community of individuals who pledge support to a farm operation so that the farmland becomes, either legally or spiritually, the community's farm, with the growers and consumers providing mutual support and sharing the risks and benefits of food production.” —USDA
According to the USDA, in a traditional CSA Model, members share the risks and benefits of food production with the farmer:
▲ Members buy a share of the farm’s production before each growing season.
▲ In return, members receive regular distributions of the farm’s bounty throughout the season.▲ The farmer receives advance working capital, gains financial security, earns better crop prices, and benefits from the direct marketing plan.
The mutual support and risk sharing of a CSA model represents a unique opportunity to close the gap between coffee producers and consumers. The advancement of working capital and financial security promotes dignity, increase in overall health of both farms and producers and investments in agroecological production, infrastructure and equipment. All these factors produce a better quality cup that benefits both producers and consumers. Investment in sustainable, agroecological production provides lasting ecological benefits that would do far more to address poverty than extractive industries.
More mutual support efforts like a CSA model is needed to combat against environmental racism and ecological apartheid. As reported by the North American Congress on Latin America, ecological apartheid is an emerging global trend through which whiter, wealthier countries and groups shield themselves from environmental harms and shift the burden to poor and racialized populations.
This is especially true in the Global South of many coffee producing countries like Guatemala and Honduras where hurricanes Eta and Iota devastated the Central American region in November of 2020.
Just like your Midwestern veggie farmer, our coffee is finite. Once it's grown & picked, that's all we have allocated until the next harvest season. Each year we plan exactly how many pounds of coffee to process from our farm to ship to Chicago. Open enrollment to our Community Supported Coffee subscription is always in the months of March & October, corresponding with our harvest seasons.
An ongoing waiting list is always available year long to be notified when you can sign up!
Our subscription program has expanded! Subscriptions are no longer excluded to farmers markets.
Now you can enroll in a 3 month, 6 month or 1 year coffee subscription with us for USPS Shipping throughout the domestic U.S.
Check out our online store to subscribe today!
Shipping Fee: $8.50 -
CLOSED FOR THE SEASON! Spring/Summer Sign Up begins April 2025
▲ Standard Indoor Market Share - Monthly
Great for individuals who go through a bag a month. Includes 5% discount.
▲ Household Indoor Market Share - Biweekly
Ideal for 2 people or small families/shared living spaces.
Includes 10% discount.▲ All delivery Fees: $3 per delivery
▲ Subscription Duration:
Runs through duration of a farmers market season (typically 4 months for indoor, and 6 months for outdoor)
▲ Additional Perks for All Members Include:
- $1 off all drinks for in-person pick-ups
- One-time 25% off merch apparel coupon to be used before end of season, March 31st, 2025. -
▲ Routine local pick up at our roastery located at 333 N. Oakley Blvd, Chicago, IL 60612 & soon to be café in Pilsen!
▲ Routine pick-up at our booth at a variety of Farmers Market locations throughout the city of Chicago. See Where Do I Get My Canister Refilled? below.
▲ Delivery — $3.00 delivery fee per delivery; Deliveries scheduled on second Wednesday of the month in the city of Chicago only. Biweekly Members can arrange to have two bags delivered per month if preferred.
▲ Shipping — We are now shipping CSC Memberships throughout the domestic US! An additional $8.50 shipping fee added per shipment.
Note: All shipped and delivered CSC shares will be packaged in bags, canisters will not be shipped nor delivered back-and-forth. -
▲ Anticonquista Café in Pilsen
Opening January, 2025!
▲ Anticonquista Café Roastery
333 N. Oakley Blvd, Unit 3ME, Chicago, IL 60612
Wednesdays by Appointment
▲ Logan Square Indoor Farmers Market
2537 N Pulaski Rd, Chicago, IL 60618
Saturdays 9AM - 1PM
11/9/24 - 03/29/2025
▲ Wicker Park Indoor Farmers Market
2018 W. North Ave, Chicago, IL 60622
Sundays 9AM - 2PM
Every Sunday in December, biweekly January through March -
We have streamlined our payment process!
Members can now check-out directly on our online shop for the full CSC market program or Pay-As-You-Go option. -
Airtight canisters by MiiR are currently on back order. We hope to have these available for purchase again soon!
We will continue to be flexible with our CSC Members who may need to reschedule their refill dates. Customers can put subscriptions on pause at any time.
We now have a more streamlined process where you can reschedule your refill dates online through our website at www.anticonquistacafe.com/refills
Due to our production process, we require refills to be rescheduled within three (3) calendar days of your refill date. Contact us directly via e-mail at hola@anticonquistacafe.com or utilize the rescheduling form linked above. -
Yes! We are now shipping CSC Memberships throughout the domestic US. To order a mail shipped subscription, click here.
An additional $8.50 shipping fee added per shipment. .
Note: All shipped CSC shares will be packaged in bags, canisters will not be shipped back-and-forth. -
Yes! We only require your first purchase will be bagged in order to ensure your canister at home is big enough to hold our beans.
Our current bag size / canister refill is for 300g (10.5 ounces).
We now offer 5lb bags, priced at a 20% discount of $110.25 (taxes included in pricing). Additional shipping rates will apply. E-mail us hola@anticonquistacafe.com to set-up an order.
Members can cancel their CSC Subscription at any time. Any no-show without proper notice will be given a grace period of five (5) calendar days, starting from the missed refill date, to reschedule. Any no-show that does not reschedule after the fifth calendar day will have their membership canceled. Any no-show that prepaid will be reimbursed in full within one (1) calendar day of the no-show date.